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What does Tantrik Rebellion mean?

Tantra, in my current layer of innerstanding is being in sacred communion with your soul in organic wholeness of your being; therefore in full openness and oneness with Source. It is being in your neutral point, seaing all, co-cocreating with Source each moment. It is an orgasmic dance of Unity with the Eternal Source.

Rebellion, on course is the expression of non-conformity with something. In the integration with Tantra, rebellion is a sacred expression of your truth in the name of love.

This realm that we are in has been distorted by beings who are disconnected from Source so this planet has become a place of dark arts training for us. A lot of things were reversed and inverted; so to be an advocate for truth, sovereignty and love is to be a rebel.

Tantrik Rebellion is the frequency that flows through my whole being. It has always been my authentic expression and it represents clearly my mission here on Earth. It requires true courage to choose your organic coding, to be devoted to pull yourself out of consciousness traps and be a conduit for your soul's expression. It takes true bravery and dedication to choose your soul in this realm of veils, spells and illusions.

So this movement Tantrik Rebellion is focused on assisting humanity in discerning organic timeline from the finite; alchemizing the spells of the finite while anchoring in the eternal. Tantrik Rebellion incorporates multidimensional healing, soul retrieval, polarity integration, becoming a master of dark arts while purifying from the finite and being a channel for Eternal life fully, completely and totally.



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