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DARK & evil are NOT the same

So often I hear people insinuating that dark is evil and evil is dark. Which, of course dark can be evil but that is not its main quality. You see, there is an organic darkness and organic light. And then, there is a veil of finite consciousness, of amnesia and spells that contain artificial coding cloned from the organic dark and light.... producing the finite dark and light.

Finite dark and finite light is the evil. It is backwards, it is distorted and its not supposed to be here. It is not connected to Eternal Life.

This confusion is very common, especially in New Age, where people think that the finite darkness is the organic polarity to the organic light. For example, some of the biggest crimes on humanity committed by the finite entities are the torture of innocence, especially children in s a t a nic rituals. The New Age perspective is "Well, as fucked up as that is, there is no light without the dark." No.... no. no. no. That is NOT the darkness without which there is no light. That is straight up sa t a nic. It is reversed. Organic darkness without which there is no light is the darkness of the cosmic WOMB of creation. It is the darkness from which all creation stems. It is the living soil. Finite darkness is a black hole. Feel the difference?

The finite tricksters made up spells to confuse humanity. Now people walk around thinking that without these entities we would not remember who we are. haha we need to "thank them" for the lessons that helped us remember. Ummm no. They are the reason why we are in amnesia.

This is not to victimize us, it is our responsibility now to remember who we are, to retrieve our essence, to heal, AND to master dark arts defense training.

I went more in depth about this in my recent YouTube video and Podcast!!

I trust that this brought more clarity to your journey. Just remember to always discern and follow your path of devotion to your Soul and TRUTH

With Eternal Love,



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